Frequently Asked Questions

What is the benefit of having battery storage on the grid? 

Large scale battery storage systems like the Sierra Luna facility benefit the local electrical grid by providing resiliency and flexibility from a non-emitting capacity resource. Continued population and load growth as well as integrating renewable energy will require balancing resources like the Sierra Luna facility that can quickly adapt to evolving grid conditions.  

How did you choose the project location for Sierra Luna?  

The Plus Power team considered a variety of siting criteria, including but not limited to grid compatibility, land use designations, cultural resources, topography, and proximity to critical utility infrastructure. This location met the optimal criteria across all categories.   

What prompted Plus Power to propose Sierra Luna?  

The Sierra Luna facility will provide energy, capacity, and grid services in a region with growing local energy demand, along with abundant and variable renewable energy resources.  

How long will the batteries last? What will happen to them after that?  

The Sierra Luna facility will have a lifespan of at least 20 years. The original battery systems installed at the site are anticipated to operate for at least 15 years. At the end of the facility’s operating life, the battery system will be removed and the land will be restored to pre-existing conditions at that time. Since the battery components contain valuable minerals and technology, the system will be used for recycling and salvage value. The facility will also be augmented with supplemental battery storage units in the future.  

Are there environmental, cultural or archaeological features that could be disturbed on the project site?  

Plus Power is developing the Sierra Luna facility to minimize impacts to cultural and historic resources. Plus Power will investigate and coordinate with the State Historic Preservation Office to protect resources of local significance if any sites are discovered during ground surveys. 

What considerations are being taken to ensure the safety of the project?  

Safety is paramount to Plus Power and the Sierra Luna facility. Several quality measures are being taken to ensure reliable and safe operation of the system. The Sierra Luna facility will utilize best-in-class technology, building off decades of global use and application. The battery and system will be held to the National Fire Protection Association 855 standard and other rigorous grid infrastructure codes and standards. In addition, the system will utilize a variety of thermal management systems, as well as remote monitoring strategies, to maintain system stability. The local fire departments will be fully engaged in design discussions throughout the process to best serve them and ensure safety of the surrounding community, including creating a dedicated Emergency Response Plan. Plus Power team will ensure there is significant collaboration and training with first responders to guarantee proper techniques are used in the unlikely event of an emergency. 

Will Sierra Luna be able to withstand a natural disaster?  

The facility will be designed per American Society for Testing and Materials standards to ensure foundations and infrastructure are designed in accordance with local requirements.  

Will the Sierra Luna facility impact my views?  

The facility is ideally situated in an area already developed with existing public utility uses with planned data centers. The project will abide by 100’ setbacks. It will also have an exterior wall to fully screen enclosures. Initial view studies show limited, if any, impact to surrounding property owners.